Friday, July 4, 2014

volatile Keyword in C++11

The volatile keyword was originally not designed for multiprocessor systems but rather for I/O operations. In modern C++ development, it’s generally better to use atomic operations instead of volatile.

While volatile simply tells the compiler not to optimize certain variables, atomic operations offer better control over concurrency and synchronization.

How volatile Works:

When a variable is marked as volatile, the compiler ensures that it is always read from memory rather than being cached in registers. It does not perform any optimizations on that variable, even across multiple reads or writes. For example:

int a = 3; mov a, 3; // Assembly translation: move the value 3 into a xchg a, 3; // Exchange the value of a with 3 (atomic operation)

std::atomic in C++11:

For better thread safety and concurrency management, std::atomic is preferred. It provides operations that are safe to use in multi-threaded environments without the need for manual locks.

  • Memory Orderings: C++11 introduces memory orderings to control the synchronization of atomic operations. These include:
    • memory_order_release: Ensures that writes to memory are completed before any operations that follow in the program.
    • memory_order_acquire: Ensures that operations following it in the program only execute after all memory reads/writes before it are complete.
    • memory_order_seq_cst: Ensures sequential consistency, which is the default. All operations appear to be executed in the same order across all threads.
  • Types of Memory Orderings:
    • Sequential (memory_order_seq_cst): Refers to atomic operations that are executed in order. This is the default and provides a high level of synchronization but may have performance overhead.
    • Relaxed (memory_order_relaxed): No synchronization or ordering guarantees are made beyond atomicity. It’s the fastest but may lead to inconsistency issues if not used carefully.

In summary, while volatile can prevent compiler optimizations, std::atomic provides a more robust and safe mechanism for dealing with shared data in concurrent programming, offering memory orderings to control the behavior of atomic operations at a much finer level.